Summary: When selecting log home manufacturers or log home companies compare not only the cost, size, style, quality of their log homes, but the company's ability to deliver on time, their warranties, and their references.
Hi Carl,
I have to say your book has given me (us) hope that we too could be our own General Contractors.
We are in the first step process of looking at lake lots.
Any special tips or advice for those looking to have a kit Log Cabin built?
Thanks for all of your advice and guidance.
Hi Katy,
Selecting a log home kit (log cabin) is much like buying a new car.
You’ll want to shop for what fills your needs comparing costs, quality, size, log home warranties, and the log home company's references.
Be sure to also check on the ability of any log home manufacturer to deliver on time.
You need to compare costs from the various log home companies.
It is very difficult to compare "apples with apples" unless you know exactly what you’re going to get for your money.
Log homes and log home kits or packages vary with different kinds of wood, size of the logs, (thickness), manner of construction, charges for plans, cost of freight to your job site, and most importantly, what is included in the kit or the package.
Will you be getting just the basic shell, or will you be getting everything necessary for “drying in” the house?
Does the basic log home kit or shell include the roof system or just the rafters?
Are the sub floor and framing members included in the price? Windows? Shingles?
Can you buy the materials necessary for drying in the house locally for less?
Will the log home company or log home dealer give you a list of these materials free of charge so that you can compare?
Do you want a log home with “full log” walls? Or, do you want a conventionally framed house with log siding? “Full log” construction will require an experienced log construction crew in addition to your carpentry crew.

As a rule, “full log” homes cost more to build than conventional homes, but usually don’t appraise for more. But, they sure are pretty.
You will have a lot of decisions ahead, but that’s fun isn't it?
Lastly, just as in selecting a new car you wouldn't want to buy one without seeing one. The same is true with a log home. Even if it involves some considerable travel you should visit a model home (s) built by any log home company that you are seriously considering.
Visit lots of log homes if you can.
Good luck, Carl Heldmann